A Devotion by Jack Manor
by Jack Manor
Thought: When something gets broken in life-- a marriage, a family, a friendship, a promise, a dream, a job-- the failure most likely occurred at a foundational, fundamental level. God is the master at fixing weak foundations and wobbly fundamentals and then rebuilding what is broken.
Verse: "In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me. Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord; no deeds can compare with yours. . . . For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God" (Psalm 86:7-8, 10).
Quote: "Our God is a God who not merely restores, but takes up our mistakes and follies into His plan for us and brings good out of them. This is part of the wonder of his gracious sovereignty." -- J. I. Packer
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